Cut Out + Keep

Dandruff Be Gone !

Banish those pesky flakes for good! • Posted by Lovette'sz-xoxo

Banish this embarrassing problem!

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1 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium get rid dandruff 1277418566


Banish this embarrassing problem!


  1. Small dandruffwoman 1277419028

    Alright so you have a big date tonight Make-up? Check. Cute little black dress that makes your butt look JUST right? Check. Cute heels? Check. Hair? UH-OH! You look like there's been a SNOW storm on your head! CRAP! What to do what to do !?

  2. Small lgsc0263 have no fear have a beer the simpsons art print 1277419091

    HAVE NO FEAR! THE END IS NOT NEAR! I'm here :) (not homer, me. )

  3. Small how olive oil works 3 1277427976

    So what's a gal to do you ask? Simple. Go to the kitchen, and grab yourself some extra virgin olive oil While you're in there grab some coconut oil too! If you have a local indian/pakistani shop they should have coconut oil in stock. Also, try and get organic oils, it's just better.

  4. Now the amount really just depends on how much hair you have, for me i just eyeball it i use equal parts of both oils and put it in a GLASS bowl ( no plastic people! you're asking for cancer!) Now where was i? oh right. MIX!

  5. Small microwave 1277428707

    Alright all mixed? Good. How about we warm it up & pop it in the microwave for about 15 seconds? You want the oil reasonably warm.

  6. Small hair washing 1277428764

    Take the oil concoction out of the microwave WATCh OUT! I know how eager you are to get the flakes out of your head, but please dont burn your head while you're at it! Test how hot the oil is before putting it on your head. Massage it into your scalp. Really massage. Like work that stuff into your head

  7. Small waiting 1277428798

    All massaged? COOL. Now let's play a little waiting game. I usually leave this mixture on over night, but 30 mins to an hour is just fine. While your waiting why dontchu paint your toe nails? Feed the fish. Call your mom. The list is endless & you get the point, just DO SOMETHING to pass the time :)

  8. Small alarm clock ringing4 1277428842

    OHH geez, where DOES the time go? :) Now I've been putting oil in my hair since i was a kid, so i when you wash it off, shampooing it twice usually does the trick I dont condition my hair at all after this because my hair is pretty soft & shiny afterwards

  9. TAA-DAA! VOILA! BAM. :) how you like me now? Your hair should be soft, shiny & oh right, DANDRUFF FREE! Go ahead, do a little dance, i'll wait. < few hockey-pockeys later...> All done are we? Now, to get the best results do this treatment twice a week. I recommend doing it at night, just because you can show off your fab hair in the morning.

  10. Small robert pattinson dandruff beautyheaven 1277428963

    Let's all NOT end up like Robert P.