Cut Out + Keep

Daisy Peyote Jewellery Set

This cute project is featured in issue 1 of brand new, fashionable beading magazine MAKE JEWELLERY • Posted by Beads Unlimited

You will also need a set of jewellery making pliers. A pair of multi pliers is a three in one tool combining flat nosed pliers, round nosed pliers and cutters.

You will need

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Medium mj0905pfig8lowres


You will also need a set of jewellery making pliers. A pair of multi pliers is a three in one tool combining flat nosed pliers, round nosed pliers and cutters.


  1. Small mj0905pfig1lowres

    Daisy Peyote Ring Prepare your needle with 250cm of nymo loom thread. Add a stop bead by picking up a clear rocaille with your needle and moving it to about 20cm from the end of the thread. Loop your thread round and through again and pull tight. Pick up 3 more clear rocailles. Then pick up another clear rocaille and let it rest next to the last rocaille added. Pass your needle through the next rocaille along on the first row. Pick up another clear rocaille and pass your needle through the stop bead, coming out where you started. Pick up another rocaille and continue back along the second row in the same way. You will use this technique (even count peyote stitch) to make the main body of the ring. Continue until the ring fits comfortably around your finger.

  2. Small mj0905pfig2lowres

    To join the two ends position them next to each other so they fit together then sew together in a zig zag fashion. Weave the remaining thread through a few rocailles on the ring, tying in several places on the ring’s thread. DO NOT TRIM

  3. Small mj0905pfig3lowres

    To add a daisy, pick up 6 fuchsia or turquoise beads. Pass the thread through the first bead again. Pick up one contrasting colour rocaille an pass the thread through the fourth rocaille you added. Pull tight and thread through the ring to where you want your next daisy to be. The example here has three but you can make as many daisies as you like. When the daisies are complete, weave back through the ring, knotting round threads on the ring as you go. Trim off any excess

  4. Small mj0905pfig4lowres

    Bracelet Prepare your needle with 400cm of thread. Using peyote stitch, make the bracelet in exactly the same way as the ring. Weave the stitch until it fits comfortably around your wrist. DO NOT TRIM. At one end of your bracelet, make a loop. Do this by picking up 8 clear rocailles and passing your needle through the last rocaille on the opposite side. Weave through the bracelet, knotting round threads on the bracelet as you go. Trim off any excess.

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    At the other end of your bracelet make a beaded clasp. Do this by preparing your needle with 250cm of thread. Weave your thread through a few beads on your bracelet until it feels secure. Bring your needle out at the last rocaille on one side of the bracelet (at the opposite end to the loop). Pick up 4 clear rocailles. Then make a daisy with fuchsia petals and a turquoise centre. Pick up 5 more clear rocailles, 1 turquoise, 1 fuchsia and 1 turquoise. Missing out the last turquoise rocaille, thread your needle back down the rocailles to the daisy. Thread through the petals on the daisy, coming out of the rocaille next to the 1 with the 4 clear rocailles attached. Pick up 4 more clear rocailles and pass your needle through the last rocaille on the opposite side of the bracelet. DO NOT TRIM. Weave back through a few rocailles on the bracelet and make a daisy by following step 3 of the ring instructions. Add daisies all the way along, alternating between turquoise and fuchsia petals.

  6. Small mj0905pfig6lowres

    Necklace The necklace is very simple. Prepare your needle with about 200cm of nymo loom thread. As you did in step 1 of the ring instructions, add a stop bead by picking up a turquoise rocaille with your needle and moving it to about 20cm from the end of the thread. Loop your thread round and through again and pull tight. Pick up 14 more rocailles. Follow step 3 of the ring instructions to make a daisy. Use fuchsia beads for the petals and a clear rocaille for the centre. Pick up 15 more turquoise rocailles. Make your next daisy, using clear rocailles for the petals and a fuchsia rocaille for the centre. Continue this sequence (15 rocailles followed by a daisy) until your necklace is about 60cm long.

  7. Now to finish off. At one end of the necklace, knot the remaining thread, as close as you can, to the last bead added. Knot a few times until you have one good chunky knot. Place the knot in the centre of a calotte and press shut. Repeat at the other end of the necklace. Add the bolt ring to 1 calotte by placing the bolt ring loop onto the calotte hook and pressing it flat. Add the bolt ring tag to the other calotte in the same way.

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    Your finished jewellery set should look something like this.