Cut Out + Keep

Cyber Goth Mask

Easy Cyber goth wear • Posted by JossieAyame

I went to a goth event today where the theme was futuristic/cyber. Here's one of my accessories I made for the outfit. I also made goggles, which have a tutorial as well.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium dscf1706   copy Medium dscf1699   copy Medium dscf1705   copy


I went to a goth event today where the theme was futuristic/cyber. Here's one of my accessories I made for the outfit. I also made goggles, which have a tutorial as well.


  1. Small dust mask amp respirator gk 300 87

    Find your dust mask. I forgot to take a pic of mine before I started but here's what they look like.

  2. Small biohazard

    Find the picture you are going to pain on it. Print it in the exact size you want it. Here's the one I used.

  3. Small dscf1689   copy

    Cut out the black parts to make a stencil and use it to draw the design onto a mask with a pencil.

  4. Small dscf1690   copy

    Paint the design onto the mask.

  5. Small dscf1706   copy

    When the paint is dry, paint the rest of the mask.

  6. Small dscf1699   copy

    When it is dry, just fix up the symbol if you accidentally painted over some of the lines and then you're done!