Cut Out + Keep

Cyber Goggles

Turning plain goggles into a futuristic accessory. • Posted by Spork

After getting cyberlox put in my hair, I needed something to keep them out of my face with. I decided some modified goggles would do the job nicely and look nifty to boot. I started with a pair of round lens welding goggles I bought at Airgas.

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Project Budget


2 h 00


Pretty Easy
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After getting cyberlox put in my hair, I needed something to keep them out of my face with. I decided some modified goggles would do the job nicely and look nifty to boot. I started with a pair of round lens welding goggles I bought at Airgas.


  1. Disassemble the goggles by unscrewing the circular front pieces and removing the lenses and center chain. Also remove the strap.

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    To allow the paint to stick, sand all areas to be painted and clean them with rubbing alcohol.

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    Spray paint all the plastic parts. Be sure to allow curing time between coats. I used Montana Gold's Shock Black and Shock Red, with a thick, wet coat to make the black glossier.

  4. Decorate the lenses. I used a custom vinyl decal for this, but stickers, painting, and gluing and all good options.

  5. Reassemble the goggles before adding any outside decorations. Shown here is simply the internal wireless switch from an old laptop superglued to the side with the cable fed in next to the chain. I also glued pieces of old inner tube to the eye cups for added comfort.