Reversible - Perfect for Criminals
I want to show you: my reversible cut-out handle bag!
I am really in love with the fabrics, they just brighten up my day whenever i use this bag! The strap is removable, so i can attach it to both sides or wear the whole thing without it!
It fits a A4-writing pad (don't know paper standards in the US). The cut-out handle part is pretty stiff, i used heavyheavyweight-interfacing. When there are no big papers or books in, the handlepart is just floppy which i like a lot!
Please click the images for original size! Still to small? PM me ;)
I'm sorry for that, but there are too much pictures for making steps for each one. I have written this tutorial for another board originally.
Any specific questions? PM me!
Kay T. favorited Cut Out Handle Bag 11 Nov 08:54
You Will Need
Step 7
Sew the side seams! Don't cut your seam allowances yet! Before, you have to check if your A-parts fit! To do so: wrong (or right) sides together, Pin your holes and your side seams, this may take ling because you will have to fiddle a lot ;)
I had to resew one of the side seams of the checkered A-parts! -
Step 9
Unpin everything, cut your seam allowances, turn the whole dang thing around and IRON! The next step will make you want to throw either yourself or your sewing machine straight out of the window, I've chosen to take some deep breathes and bite my cat (nah not really). Ok... after proper ironing, pin the handleholes and sew! It may be easier to place your sewing foot like shown (through the upper hole). I'm not sure about that. Don't care too much of tracing your first stitchings, just try to sew :) I've used the handwheel to sew slowly!
Step 12
Take your B-parts! Pin the pleats and sewn them down, then sew your loops on, don't forget -> they should face the right side of the fabric. The ruler shows approx. 4cm (1,57 inches)! Next you can join your B-parts! Leave a small part unsewn at one of your Bs, this is where you pull your bag through at the end.
very cute ^^
I already have written a tutorial for this bag some weeks ago, now i just need to find time for uploading. It's pretty imageheavy.
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