How to make adorable, easy,bows to put in any of your projects!
For all the bow lovers out there!8D
- Xx13.CrowsxX added Cute,Simple Bows to Hair 04 Aug 17:28
lisa r. added Cute,Simple Bows to cute crafts for me and mom 04 Oct 18:12
Pam ^_^ favorited Cute,Simple Bows 11 Mar 04:24
simonnet v. favorited Cute,Simple Bows 29 Jan 07:41
Duckkieyd D. added Cute,Simple Bows to Bows 19 Dec 07:39
Duckkieyd D. favorited Cute,Simple Bows 19 Dec 07:38
- Hazzard favorited Cute,Simple Bows 19 Oct 23:12
Co-Goth Frack favorited Cute,Simple Bows 30 Aug 07:46
You Will Need
Step 1
First,take your ribbon and fold it in half to make a crease.Then unfold it and slightly overlap the two ends over each other.(about 1/3 inch)
Step 2
Second,take your needle and thread and use a running stitch and go to the beginning to the end of the overlapping part.
Step 3
Third,pull on the thread to make it all ruffled.Take the thread and wrap it around the middle of the fabric(about 6 times.)You should now have a bow looking object.
Step 4
Finally,take the 1 inch of ribbon and wrap it around the middle part of the bow.Take your needle and sow up the back.Now you now how to make a easy bow!(you can slip a bobby pin in the back to wear in you hair.)