super easy and cute wallet!
I used incredibly understandable and simple tutorial by yonorris14 (on craftster)
it takes so little time (and so Little fabric) and looks really good
for the inside fabric i used the lining that i took off from a dress months ago (it's like golden kind of)
the second photo is to show you the ID cards here in Chile, and my University credential
the only "problem" is that the pockets turned out too wide for my cards, but it doesn't matter because it looks soooo good!!
I've been trying to make something with that fabric for ages!!
(in the tutorial she doesn't mention the additional sewing around the pockets, but you can see it on her photos, and i did the same, because it looks better (and it makes the pockets smaller too))
the best advice and tip for making this kind of things is: IRON LIKE CRAZY!!!!
thanks for looking!!!
Staci Fowler favorited Cute Wallet 14 Dec 18:28
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camilaustral posted this project as a creation without steps
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