sparkly soda bowl
I made this using a soda bottle and those glass beads from a mancala game :D I use it to stash random things lol
alp.zoey added Cute Sparkly Soda Bowl! to Storage 18 Aug 05:22
Conner W. added Cute Sparkly Soda Bowl! to gift ideas 15 Jul 18:19
Conner W. added Cute Sparkly Soda Bowl! to craft ideas 15 Jul 18:19
alice l. added Cute Sparkly Soda Bowl! to alice' s want to do' s 13 Aug 00:57
Riya K. favorited Cute Sparkly Soda Bowl! 23 Jun 16:22
michelle.bentfield favorited Cute Sparkly Soda Bowl! 26 Apr 06:33
jenna.kent favorited Cute Sparkly Soda Bowl! 31 Aug 19:21
Sheri O. favorited Cute Sparkly Soda Bowl! 21 Jul 01:12
Ichigo M. favorited Cute Sparkly Soda Bowl! 21 Jun 02:04

if only it were glass it would make a stellar ash tray

U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US
6 projects
It looks like a tentacle- very cool!

Tucson, Arizona, US
4 projects
i'm going to make this only with about 28 layers of soda liters to make it a bit more stable ^_~

Lauren Shill
Swansea, Wales, GB
2 projects
that is so awesome
at first i was like 'how the heck did she cut those marbles in half?!' and then I realised that they is more like pebbles than maltesers :3

Tuscaloosa, Alabama, US
116 projects
I thought the same thing Vicky, but yeah it is cute!

U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US
9 projects

Fort Wayne, Indiana, US
378 projects
Lovely - would make a great catch-all for change or other small items.

Colchester, England, GB
55 projects
I thought it was bubble wrap!
It looks cute.

Colchester, England, GB
55 projects
I thought it was bubble wrap!
It looks cute.