Cut Out + Keep

Cute Transformation

From old and big to sweet and cute <3 • Posted by Catarina Arraes

A simple transformations from an hold and bigger t-shirt :) It seems alot of steps, thats because i told every single steps i've make, some are repeated.

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Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 100 2610 1303818704 Medium 100 2607 1303815708 Medium 100 2609 1303815724


A simple transformations from an hold and bigger t-shirt :) It seems alot of steps, thats because i told every single steps i've make, some are repeated.


  1. Small 100 2615 1303818740

    In the shoulder my t-shirt had a cute detail with a button so i cut it of one sleeve to use later. (This is opcional some tees ou tops don't have tese detail, you can use just a boton.)

  2. Small 100 2589 1303815972

    Cut the sleeve that had the removed detail. Cut a bit longer than is used to, maybe 2 or 3 inches. Then sew.

  3. Small 100 2591 1303816482

    Now i's time to use that detail, leave a space for the arm. (If you don't have it use one button, a big button is cute too)

  4. Small 100 2592 1303817139

    Do a little hole in front and in the back to pass the detail. (Using the button do the hole just in the front and sew to it in the back)

  5. Small 100 2595 1303818729

    If it need to sew that part to the t-shirt.

  6. Small 100 2596 1303817645

    With the rest of the sleeve make a loop just like that down the detail, in the end of the new sleeve. Sew it.

  7. Small 100 2600 1303817913

    Finally I've made 2 holes right there in the front and pass the strip down the image, I didn't want to ruin the ice cream eheheh. Oh, by the way i've sew some elastic, is behind the ice cream but you can always do another loop in the back if you don't want to.

  8. Small 100 2612 1303818114

    Same thing in the back and there it is. A Cute Tranformation for an old big T-shirt =D