Cut Out + Keep

Cute Stripe Cardigan

A men's pullover sweater is my new cardigan! • Posted by Mary Kate

This was my first time doing buttons ^^; I'm proud of the way they came out! I cut the sweater down the middle and hemmed he edges, then made the button holes and sewed on the buttons! I bought the sweater from Savers for $4.50 and just used whatever white buttons I had lying around :] Not a perfect match, but I like the effect!

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 45


Pretty Easy
Medium photo on 2011 01 21 at 15.29  4 1295726440 Medium photo on 2011 01 21 at 15.29  3 1295726513


This was my first time doing buttons ^^; I'm proud of the way they came out! I cut the sweater down the middle and hemmed he edges, then made the button holes and sewed on the buttons! I bought the sweater from Savers for $4.50 and just used whatever white buttons I had lying around :] Not a perfect match, but I like the effect!
