Cute Plant Nursery

make baby plants happy today!

Posted by manabunga


i love plants. they know it and they grow grow grow. i need plenty of little pots to keep baby plants in. well, one option would be to go and buy them, the other - recycle! i'm the queen of recycling. i also like things i [re-]create to look gorgeous,to function and take a minimum amount of time [ i have ADD].
this is yet another "no-brainer". an empty yogurt cup, some white stones and a scrap of something you knitted before. you don't need to recycle a silk knitted armband, of course, an old sock will do, it's just that i have only silk yarn, and everything i knit or crochet is always made of silk. you also don't need hot glue, any glue will do.
The baby aloe is now happily waiting to grow up a bit and go in the garden. please don't forget to make some small holes at the bottom of the plastic cup for drainage [otherwise plants will start rotting at the roots].
i hope you enjoy my projects <3
p.s. and yes, talking to plants really accelerates their growth, it's a scientifically proven fact =) and yes, aloe is a magical plant. just make sure you freeze it for some days before you use it in food or drinks, cos it contains poison as well as health-boosters.


You Will Need (4 things)

  • Silk Knit Fabric
  • Small Plastic Cup
  • White Stone s
  • Hot Glue