Cut Out + Keep

Cute Little Owl

Little Owl modeling my glasses :) • Posted by Hypergraphia

I made this owl as a gift for a friend last month. I browsed the internet for a while, and couldn't find anything I was really looking for. I'm fairly new to crochet, so I wasn't up for creating my own pattern (yet!) I eventually found the pattern on etsy and purchased it. I think he came out pretty good for my first amigurumi ^_^ This is the etsy shop I bought from

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4 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium img 0157 1258599704 Medium img 0156 1258599764


I made this owl as a gift for a friend last month. I browsed the internet for a while, and couldn't find anything I was really looking for. I'm fairly new to crochet, so I wasn't up for creating my own pattern (yet!) I eventually found the pattern on etsy and purchased it. I think he came out pretty good for my first amigurumi ^_^ This is the etsy shop I bought from
