Cute Heart Laundry Bag

Easy to make Bag!

Posted by ash l.


I got a sewing machine for christmas and wanted to make something that was relatively easy so I thought this would be a good Idea..I tried to copy a lanudry bag that I bought last year,
hope you like it!


You Will Need (11 things)

  • Material / Fabric
  • 1 Scissors
  • Sewing Machine
  • Pin(s)
  • 1 Ruler
  • 1 Tailors Chalk Or Pen
  • 1 Set Square
  • 2 m Ribbon
  • 1 Needle
  • Thread
  • 1 Iron

Steps (6 steps, 150 minutes)

  1. 1

    ok so you can get your material but i got mine from a pair of pants i got free from Clinique..

    a)Figure out how big you want the laundry bag to be. Mine is approx 23cm wide x 29cm long or 9 " by 11"

    b)When you have figured out the measurements then but two of that shape out.

  2. 2

    a)Lay the two rectangles ontop of eachother so that the wrong side of the material of both peices are facing outwards.

    b)Make sure the edges are straight by using a set square and ruler if necessary.

    c)Pin all along the sides of the rectangle.

  3. 3

    a)Sew the bottom of the bag straight across.

    b)Sew up one of the sides but leave about 3" unsewn.

    c)Sew up the other side and leave 3" unsewn too.

    d) fold the 3" in half so that 1 1/2" of right sided material is showing like in the picture.

    e)Iron this fold down and then sew across it but make sure not to sew it to the other are just sewing the fold together.

  4. 4

    a)Turn the bag inside out and Iron.

    b)Take the 2 meter of ribbon and cut it exactly in half.

    c)make out four pieces of material about 2 1/2" x 2 1/2"

    d)put two of the pieces ontop of eachother with wrong side on the outside.

    e)Sew along 3 1/2 of the sides of these pieces. leaving a gap so you can turn it inside out.

    f)Do this to the other small piece of fabric and turn inside out.

  5. 5

    a)feed one of the strips of ribbon into one of the holes on the left side of the bag

    b)feed the other end of the same piece of ribbon into the other hole on the left side of the bag.

    c)repeat this for the right side of the bag

    d)put the bag with both ends to see if it closes properly

    e)feed the pieces of ribbon on the right side into the open part of the small piece of fabric you just made.

    f)feed as much in and when you are happy with the length of the ribbon then handsew (or machine but handsew is prob better) the ribbon to the piece of fabric so the ribbon can't come out and there are no gaps left.

    e)Repeat this step for the other side and pull tight to see if the bag closes properly.

  6. 6

    The bag should look something like this without the heart of course.. I added the heart just to make it look prettier.
    a)All you have to do is iron the bag so it looks even prettier!