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40 mins

customized witch hat for my costume this year
I bought a black hat with a twist in it for 3 dollars at the thrift store, a scrap of black mesh and three different ribbons from craft store.
I hot glued the mesh to drape slightly down, and I cut up the frilly ribbon and hot glued it to the edges of the big orange ribbon, then glued the stripey ribbon down the middle. I criss-crossed and glued at the back of the hat, then put a huge orange bow over it. I tied weird fish tail looking things with purple, too, I don't know, I got carried away.
Please also view my witch sidekick in the pumpkin basket, and my cat, who is enjoying the creepy Halloween season as well.

Posted by zombiewander from Aurora, Colorado, United States • Published See zombiewander's 15 projects »


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