Cut Out + Keep

Cute Bird Shoulder Bag

Fun and young! • Posted by Mikaela

Cute bird shoulder sling, one internal pocket, one external pocket (wing) Made from recyled materials; - Light blue and black felt - Blue polyester cotton - White cotton - Coloured cotton - Satin Lining - Ribbon - 2 Buttons - Embroidery thread

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


2 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium pa111351 1318312681 Medium pa111354 1318312697 Medium pa111356 1318312713 Medium pa111355 1318312733


Cute bird shoulder sling, one internal pocket, one external pocket (wing) Made from recyled materials; - Light blue and black felt - Blue polyester cotton - White cotton - Coloured cotton - Satin Lining - Ribbon - 2 Buttons - Embroidery thread
