• Posted by Anna Nimh
Gather your materials. I picked two bias tapes with complementary colors (green for St. Patrick's Day). The flower in the picture is not needed. I am attaching mine later to make a St. Patty's Day Corsage.
Cut your bias tape longer than you want your bracelet. The folded edge will be the outside of the bracelet, and you will tuck bias tapes into one another, open end out, until the last piece, where the folded edge will make the outside of the bracelet. If you are doing a no sew variety, use fusible bias, and after you arrange your pieces, iron them according to the instructions.
Pin the first two strips together and sew. I used a zig zag stitch. Continue pinning and stitching until you finish the band.
Trim the band to the length you want. Cut out two pieces of bias tape, wider than the bracelet. These will be sewn over the unfinished ends, also in a zig stitch. After you have sewn the ends on, trim them to the width of the bracelet. People good at hand sewing dound definitely find a better way to accomplish this step. I look forward to seeing those versions.
Hand stitch two snaps to the ends of your cuff.
Voila. It's done. This is cute alone, but it could also be embellished with other things. It would also make a cute watch band.