• Posted by Destiney Y.
ok i know you've probably seen like a bizilion different t-shirt cutting videos n what now... well here's mine.
ok i know you've probably seen like a bizilion different t-shirt cutting videos n what now... well here's mine.
first get a t-shirt this one was to big for me so im taking it down. very important you will lace this one up so you need it bigger than what you wear! first cut out your neckline. i cut mine to 1 in from the sleeve seams so i can pull it down off my shoulders compleatly. think "pretty woman" in the red dress.
now flip to the back. fold shirt in half so the frount is on the inside. then measure adn find the center of your half mark with pin. do this on both sides of the back. unfold.
now to make life easier i would chalk a line all the way up from your pin mark. were going to cut about 10 3 in marks across this line. i cut my first about right under the bottom of the sleeve. (green lines are cut) then kept cutting about an inch down each time. it's easest if you take a ruler and lay it under your cut and mark a new line. that orange thing is a rukel lol. make sure your only cutting the back and only on one side. now repeat this for the other side.
now you want to strech out your pieces buy tugging on the shirt with the cuts. so they get stretched. then lace them like the picture. green is top lace so you take pink the second one go under green then twist and bring over (green) and down and repeat with next one, (blue). now repeat for other side. cut last loop after braiding and tie in know ta da! done oh and i cut more out of the first slice to get the circles