Cut Out + Keep

Customized Skirt Flap Destroyer

Based on Customized Skirt Flap Destroyer by Subcunha • Posted by Morgaine O.

So this project isn't completly from t-shirts but i loved the design so I had to try it out. I took a white skirt that I already had in my closet and used scraps from another project to cut up and sew on. I had alot of fun arranging the different strands of red on it and I think it turned out pretty cool looking.It almost reminds me of a blood splattered white :)

You will need


0 h 30


Nice & Simple
Medium dsci1616 1308184236 Medium dsci1611 1308184341 Medium dsci1612 1308184277 Medium dsci1610 1308184351


So this project isn't completly from t-shirts but i loved the design so I had to try it out. I took a white skirt that I already had in my closet and used scraps from another project to cut up and sew on. I had alot of fun arranging the different strands of red on it and I think it turned out pretty cool looking.It almost reminds me of a blood splattered white :)
