Custom Ocean Shoes

boring canvas shoes covered in sea life

Posted by Mary Angela



You Will Need (5 things)

  • Canvas Shoes
  • Fabric Paint Or Acrylic Paint
  • Assorted Paint Brush es
  • Plastic Cup s
  • Gesso

Steps (4 steps, 3600 minutes)

  1. 1

    first, take a paper or plastic average sized cup and split it down the middle.stick it in each of the shoes.this helps keep the top of the shoes from caving in and gives a somewhat solid working space. after, paint the whole canvas part with white gesso. wait for it to dry.

  2. 2

    after the gesso is dry, take white paint and circle it in the top corner (or middle, wherever you want the light to come from) and paint pthalo blue over the white.

  3. 3

    wait for the blue to dry and paint whatever sea creature you want in your scene. I chose 2 bottlenose dolphins. after they were dry, I took a fine tipped paintbrush and put wavy thin white lines over the bodies pointing twords the light source. If u look at any ocean photos for refrence, you should see this. use white for the final touches (bubbles, waves, etc)

  4. 4

    on the sides, I painted rocks, kelp, coral and random tropical fish. tips:use masking tape for the rubber sides, it prevents dripping. using warm water mixed with the paint also helped the background come out smoother.