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Curly Whirly Brownies

Curly Whirly chocolate brownies • Posted by Sophie Loves Food

Chocolate brownies with a cheesecake swirl baked into the top and a drizzle of chocolate to finish.

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1 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 109804 2f2015 07 07 214413 curly%2bwurly%2bbrownies%2b1 Medium 109804 2f2015 07 07 214421 curly%2bwurly%2bbrownies%2b2 Medium 109804 2f2015 07 07 214506 curly%2bwurly%2bbrownies%2b3


Chocolate brownies with a cheesecake swirl baked into the top and a drizzle of chocolate to finish.


  1. Heat the oven to 180 degrees and line a 20cm x 34cm baking tray with baking parchment.

  2. Break the eggs into a mixing bowl, add the sugar and give a few whisks with a hand whisk or electric beater, then set aside. This helps the sugar to start to dissolve.

  3. Put the butter in a pan and leave over a medium heat until it has completely melted and small bubbles are just beginning to rise to the surface; be careful not to let it boil.

  4. Turn off the heat, then add the 54-60% chocolate and a third of the 70% chocolate. Stir until melted.

  5. Whisk the eggs and sugar a little more until they turn paler, then add the chocolate mixture and mix to a smooth paste. Sift in the flour and stir with a wooden spoon until completely combined.

  6. Finally stir in the remaining pieces of chocolate. Pour the mixture into the lined tray and level with a spatula or palette knife.

  7. To make the cheesecake topping, beat the cream cheese with the icing sugar and vanilla until smooth, then mix in the egg yolk.

  8. Transfer the mixture into a piping bag fitted with a 1cm nozzle and pipe it onto the brownie mix in parallel lines about 3cm apart.

  9. Drag a fork or knife through the cream cheese and the immediate surface of the chocolate mix to feather it.

  10. Bake for 22-25 minutes in the top half of the oven. This should guarantee that the cheesecake topping develops some colour without overcooking the brownies in the process.

  11. Leave to cool in the baking tray. The brownies should have a soft centre and fudgey appearance when cooled.

  12. Cut into squares, I made 16 but smaller or larger squares can also be cut.