Cut Out + Keep

Cupcake Pops

Based on Cupcake Pops by rHea • Posted by CraftyFox

I made these cupcake pops for our “Cupcake day” fundraiser at work for our local SPCA. I put two pops into a bag and tied them with a ribbon for the stall. About 15 of us baked and we managed to raise about $900 for our local SPCA =) . These cupcake pops took longer to make than I expected, and I would really recommend finding the right shaped cookie cutter for the base – I used one that was a little more star shaped and it wasn’t the best. Other than that I had a lot of fun making them and they sold out really quickly. =)

You will need


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I made these cupcake pops for our “Cupcake day” fundraiser at work for our local SPCA. I put two pops into a bag and tied them with a ribbon for the stall. About 15 of us baked and we managed to raise about $900 for our local SPCA =) . These cupcake pops took longer to make than I expected, and I would really recommend finding the right shaped cookie cutter for the base – I used one that was a little more star shaped and it wasn’t the best. Other than that I had a lot of fun making them and they sold out really quickly. =)
