Cut Out + Keep

Cupcake Charm Bracelet

Cupcake bracelet charm • Posted by Kristina H.

I made the cupcakes and dougnuts first, then whilst they were cooking I attached the bracelet fermature together, then added the swarokovski crystal beads, once the cakes and dougnuts were vanished attached these too, to the bracelet.

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Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium cupcake charm bracelet e 1236077794


I made the cupcakes and dougnuts first, then whilst they were cooking I attached the bracelet fermature together, then added the swarokovski crystal beads, once the cakes and dougnuts were vanished attached these too, to the bracelet.


  1. I first made the dougnuts out of fimo and the cupcakes too.

  2. Then I added the swarakovsi beads, attached them to the bracelet, including the dougnuts and the fimo.

  3. Then I added the fermatures at either end of the bracelet.