Cup Cake Pin Cushion

as sweet as a cup cake

Posted by sammie



You Will Need (4 things)

  • Thread
  • Needle
  • Felt
  • Coin

Steps (20 steps, 540 minutes)

  1. 1

    Step 1 of 20
    Make 3 paper circle templates - a small one of diameter 4cm, a medium one diameter 10 cm with a wedge cut out, and a large one diameter 14 cm, with a smaller circle of 4cm diameter in the centre. Divide the largest circle into 8 sections.

  2. 2

    Step 2 of 20
    Transfer the largest circle onto the felt for the base of your cupcake. Then cut down each of the 8 divisions on your template as far in as the smaller, inner circle. Then transfer each of these lines onto the felt as well

  3. 3

    Step 3 of 20
    Then you'll end up with your template copied onto your felt!

  4. 4

    Step 4 of 20
    Transfer the medium circle onto the felt you are using for the top of your cupcake.

  5. 5

    Step 5 of 20
    Cut out your felt. For the base - cut along each of the 8 divisions down to the smaller circle in the same way that you did with the template.

  6. 6

    Step 6 of 20
    Pin along each of the divisions on the base. There should be an overlap of about 1cm at the top. Once pinned evenly - sew up each seam (again from the edge down to the smaller circle)

  7. 7

    Step 7 of 20
    Your base should start to look like the bottom of a cake!

  8. 8

    Step 8 of 20
    Backstitch along each seam. This holds it flatter - which is makes attaching the top easier - and reinforces the seams

  9. 9

    Step 9 of 20
    Put a stitch in each overlap to hold it to the edge - again this makes it easier when putting the top on

  10. 10

    Step 10 of 20
    Sew the top part with an overlap of about 1.5 cm (depending on how big a wedge you cut out). Check it roughly fits onto your base part before sewing it up

  11. 11

    Step 11 of 20
    For the cherry on top - cut out the smallest (4cm) circle from some dark pink or red felt. Running stitch about .5cm in from the edge of the circle, overlapping slightly at the end

  12. 12

    Step 12 of 20
    Gather gently

  13. 13

    Step 13 of 20
    Stuff it with a little bit of wadding, and gather tightly. Put a stitch across the end to hold it in place

  14. 14

    Step 14 of 20
    Sew onto top cake part with lots of little stitches

  15. 15

    · Step 15 of 20
    Voila! Cherry!

  16. 16

    Step 16 of 20
    Cut 2 of the smallest (4cm) circles out of thick corrugated cardboard

  17. 17

    Step 17 of 20
    I have used 2p pieces to weigh the bottom of the cake down and stop it toppling over. I glued them together with a piece of felt in between and a circle of corrugated on each side to protect any pins. I then put this in the base of the cake. The weights are optional but the card is required to give the base some shape.

  18. 18

    Step 18 of 20
    Attach the top and the base using blanket stitch. Stitch just over halfway around.

  19. 19

    Step 19 of 20
    Take a roll of wadding and put it in the gap left in the cake. If it is not full enough take the roll out and add to it - I found this more effective then stuffing bits in around the edges

  20. 20

    Step 20 of 20
    Continue the blanket stitch to close up the cake. Put some pins in to look like sprinkles and you're all done!