Cut Out + Keep

Cthulhu Clips

It'll drive you insane!!! ...With Cute. • Posted by Risa.Hanae (JapZilla)

I found an image of this cute hama Cthulhu on Google Images. I wanted to make clips... so I did! Whaaa!

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 30


Pretty Easy
Medium dsc 1004 Medium cuth clipa


I found an image of this cute hama Cthulhu on Google Images. I wanted to make clips... so I did! Whaaa!


  1. Find Cute Cthulhu image on Google Images.

  2. Lay out your hama (perler) beads on Peg board and Iron as per hama bead instructions.

  3. Let cool!

  4. When cooled, glue on bobby pins to the back of your Cthulhu.

  5. Let dry.

  6. Now Wear them!