Cut Out + Keep

Crown Headband

For all them little princesses out there! • Posted by Nerdy Llama

I made this on for my little cousin who always wants to be dressed like a princess. It's just a metal headband that i found on sale (SCORE!) and i crocheted around the headband and crocheted a little crown with little gold beads at the peaks. Maybe i'll be posting a how-to sometime if i get enough comments :D

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


2 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium arcsoft image70 Medium arcsoft image71


I made this on for my little cousin who always wants to be dressed like a princess. It's just a metal headband that i found on sale (SCORE!) and i crocheted around the headband and crocheted a little crown with little gold beads at the peaks. Maybe i'll be posting a how-to sometime if i get enough comments :D
