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Crocheted Striped Beanie

Crocheted Beanie in Blue, White and Pink! • Posted by CelesteNaomi

Gave it to my friend as a Christmas present, I liked the colors a lot, though. It's in double crochet for the blue parts, single crochet for the pink and white parts. (Sorry, ignore the price tag in the last picture. I brought some of these to a craft fair...)

You will need

Project Budget


1 h 30


Nice & Simple
Medium cimg3701 1263931816 Medium cimg3702 1263931886 Medium cimg3703 1263931952


Gave it to my friend as a Christmas present, I liked the colors a lot, though. It's in double crochet for the blue parts, single crochet for the pink and white parts. (Sorry, ignore the price tag in the last picture. I brought some of these to a craft fair...)
