Cut Out + Keep

Crocheted Plarn Purse

A bag made of grocery bags. Awesome! • Posted by Govinda R.

This is a crocheted purse made of plarn (plastic yarn), which is made from grocery bags that were filling up a kitchen closet.

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8 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium picture 33 1306549900


This is a crocheted purse made of plarn (plastic yarn), which is made from grocery bags that were filling up a kitchen closet.


  1. Small picture 26 1306550438

    Smooth out a plastic grocery bag on the floor. Cut off the handles and the seam at the bottom. Fold the bag up almost all the way, like this.

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    Cut off the messy ends. Now make cuts through the folded part, about one inch apart.

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    Now put your non-dominant hand and arm through the bag. Open it up.

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    Cut from the middle of the top to the first cut on the left. A long piece of plarn should fall. Now cut from the first cut on the right to the second cut on the left. Keep going.

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    Roll it up, just like you would yarn.

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    Crochet a circle, When it gets as big as you want it to, stop increasing. Make the bag as big as you want.

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    Make a strap. I used two strands because the strap will stretch out. I also used a half-single crochet stitch for the strap. I have made a few of these, and the straps do stretch.

  9. Small picture 35 1306551274

    I made a flap by crocheting a half circle. Start a circle, but go back and forth instead of around. Don't go all the way around. I attached the strap and the flap with a half-single crochet.

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    I put the kind of Velcro that has a strong adhesive on the back on it to close the flap. They sell it in the hardware part of grocery stores. Yeah! A new bag! Made of garbage!