Cut Out + Keep

Crocheted Lion

a cute toy or ornament to make on a day in • Posted by TinyTessieG

This took me what seemed forever to make, im not a fast crocheter but id give yourself plenty of time to make this Lion. Abbreviations: CH: chain, DC: double crochet, DC2TOG: insert hook in stitch and draw up as loop, insert hook into next stitct and draw up another loop. yarn over and draw through all 3 hoops on the hook. REP: repeat, ST(S): stitch(es)

You will need

Project Budget


3 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium highland 20130116 00063


This took me what seemed forever to make, im not a fast crocheter but id give yourself plenty of time to make this Lion. Abbreviations: CH: chain, DC: double crochet, DC2TOG: insert hook in stitch and draw up as loop, insert hook into next stitct and draw up another loop. yarn over and draw through all 3 hoops on the hook. REP: repeat, ST(S): stitch(es)


  1. For the head . make 2 chain . Round 1: 6dc in second chain from hook . Round 2: dc In each st(12) . Round 3: 1dc in next st, 2dc in next st: rep to end (18st) . Round 4: 1dc in next 2 st, 2dc in next st, rep to end (24sts) . Round 5: 1dc in next 3 sts, 2dc in next st, rep to end (30sts) . Round 6: 1dc in next 4sts, 2dcin next st, rep to end (36sts) . Round 7: 1dc in each st . Round 8: 1dc in next 4sts, dc2tog, rep to end (30sts) . Round 9: 1dc in next 3 sts, dc2tog to end (24sts) . Round 10: 1dc in next sts, dc2tog, rep to end (18sts) . Round 11:1dc in each st . Round 12: 1dc in nest st, dc2tog, rep to end (12sts) Add eyes and mouth and stuff head firmly. . Round 13: miss 1st, dc in next st, rep to end until opening is closed.

  2. The Body Make 2ch . Round 1: 6dc in second ch from hook . Round 2: dc in each stitch (12sts) . Round 3: 1dc in next stitch, 2dc in next st, rep to end (18sts) . Round 4-10: dc in each stitch Fasten off, stuff firmly then sew to head

  3. Arms make 2 make ch5 . Round 1: dc in second ch from hook dc in each st until they measure 4cm. fasten off but do not stuff, pin into place and sew to the body

  4. legs, make 2 make ch 2 . Round1: 6dc in second ch from hook . Round 2: dc in each st continue until they measure 5cm then like the arms, just sew to the body but not stuff.

  5. ears make 2ch . Round 1: 6dc in second ch from hook . Round 2: 2dc in each st . Round 3: 1dc in each stitch fasten off the pin and sew to body

  6. tail . using 1 colour (yellow) make ch2 . Round 1: 6dc in second ch from hook . Round 2-3 1dc in each st change to brown . 1dc in each st until measures 6.5cm fasten off then using yellow, make a small tassle and sew to the end then to the body

  7. Small img 20130123 00077

    for the mane using yellow, cut out lengths of 10cm pieces, thread through two strands together at the same time and loop them through the loop you mae. do this round the face, neck and around the back. Trim ends to shape. And you should be done :)