crochet,baby blanket
Thought I better add one or two projects I have completed, since so far I've only favorited others people's creative works.
Note: since the blanket is quite thick, it would be too heavy for newborn's delicate small size. Use it to cover the baby carrier, as an under blanket when changing baby, on the floor for baby to lay and later as crib blanket.
Betty B. favorited Crochet Using Double Strand Yarn Thick Baby Blanket 18 Jan 14:31
Notsocrafty posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Jackie O.
I can't see the pattern. Is there a link?

Sara P.
Peterborough, Ontario, CA
how can I view the pattern?

Sara P.
Peterborough, Ontario, CA
how can I view the pattern?

marti s.
I can see the pattern for this, can you send it to me?

New York, New York, US
19 projects
I think this is really pretty! Why would it be too heavy? Too hot you mean? I love the daisy stich a lot.