Cut Out + Keep

Crochet Yoga Socks

Super cute little socks you can wear for yoga, or just around the house! • Posted by MagicalGirlMaya

I feel like it’s been a small eternity since I actually crocheted anything, and it probably has. I blame my new knitting fascination; getting moderately good at one yarn craft has caused my other to suffer and be neglected. In an attempt to right this grievous wrong, and because I’ve recently sort of picked up doing yoga daily, I decided to crochet a pattern I found for “yoga socks”. I’m not sure if people who do yoga regularly actually wear any kind of socks but these were cute and I wanted to make them so I figure why the heck not. I found the pattern here:

You will need

Project Budget


3 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 110494 2f2015 08 19 142026 img 7258


I feel like it’s been a small eternity since I actually crocheted anything, and it probably has. I blame my new knitting fascination; getting moderately good at one yarn craft has caused my other to suffer and be neglected. In an attempt to right this grievous wrong, and because I’ve recently sort of picked up doing yoga daily, I decided to crochet a pattern I found for “yoga socks”. I’m not sure if people who do yoga regularly actually wear any kind of socks but these were cute and I wanted to make them so I figure why the heck not. I found the pattern here:
