Easy Bloo from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
This is a crocheted Bloo from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. I don't know if I'll do the rest of the cast. This is my first-ever self-created pattern. Please point out any errors or unclear elements of the directions.
Jill K. favorited Crochet Plush Bloo 06 Apr 21:14
Aurelie L. added Crochet Plush Bloo to Doudou 14 Mar 22:30
Abby entered her project Crochet Plush Bloo to Craft-In Contest 01 Mar 18:34
You Will Need
Step 1
Chain 4, slst in first.
Chain 1; 2 hdc in each, around. Repeat for row 3.
*2 hdc in first, 1 hdc in second, repeat from * around.
1 dc on outside loop only around.
For rows 6-11, dc in each around. At this point, there should be 53 stitches. A few more or less will not make a difference, as long as there are no holes in the body.
Rows 12 and 13, *dc 2 tog, dc 10, repeat from * around.
Row 14 *dc 2 tog, dc 8, repeat from * around.
Row 15 *dc 2 tog, dc 7, repeat from * around.
Row 16 *dc 2 tog, dc 4, repeat from * around.
Repeat row 16 for 17 and 18.
Row 19, hdc every other 2 tog.
Repeat for rows 20 and 21, close and fo.
Step 2
For the mouth, use a backstitch. Again, appropriate stitching may be necessary to shape and fill in the mouth.
Step 3
Sc into magic ring. (For more information about magic rings, visit http://www.crochetme.com/forums/t/28917.aspx).
Sc around for rows 2-4.
Using black, make an asterisk within the white. Weave around as with the spider web stitch. Fill in white with appropriate stitching if necessary. (For more information on the spider web stitch, visit http://www.victorian-embroidery-and-crafts.com/spider_web_stitch.html).