Cut Out + Keep

Crochet Hook Roll Up

Inspired by Cat Morely's "knitting needle roll up" • Posted by Claire J

I made a roll up for my crochet hooks as i'm forever losing them! I Used the same concept at the knitting needle roll up, but with measurements to fit my hooks. I added a pocket for my yarn needle and somewhere for my stitch markers to go too (it was kinda like a split pin thing but star shaped). I made it a bit taller than my hooks so i could fold the material over before rolling up (incase i want to travel with it). The cute apple and worm material was one of my daughters old babygrows which she grew out of, i <3 it!! :) (p.s. - aren't my crochet hooks ace?!!)

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium dsc00438 1300465074


I made a roll up for my crochet hooks as i'm forever losing them! I Used the same concept at the knitting needle roll up, but with measurements to fit my hooks. I added a pocket for my yarn needle and somewhere for my stitch markers to go too (it was kinda like a split pin thing but star shaped). I made it a bit taller than my hooks so i could fold the material over before rolling up (incase i want to travel with it). The cute apple and worm material was one of my daughters old babygrows which she grew out of, i <3 it!! :) (p.s. - aren't my crochet hooks ace?!!)
