• Posted by merve
Four creative projects, perfect for decorating hats, scarves, bags, clothing and lots more.
Four creative projects, perfect for decorating hats, scarves, bags, clothing and lots more.
chain 6. Go back into the first chain and work a dc and then chain 2. Do this 7 times (dc, chain 2) all into the first chain. You should have 8 spokes. Join up the circle with a sl st into the third chain on the left (ie the third chain of the first spoke). Chain 1.
Now you want to work a (sc, ch 1, 2 dc, ch 1, sc) all into one of the arches you have created. This is what makes the petals. Do this over all 8 arches and you have the first flower. Join with a sl st to the first sc on the first petal.
Turn the flower over. With the next colour (red) make a slip knot and put the crochet hook under a pink spoke and pull the red wool through. You now have 2 stitches on your hook, pull the hook through to make one. Chain 6 and work a dc on the next spoke (in the same way as first spoke), chain 3. Repeat this dc, chain 3 on each spoke. Then make a sl st into the third chain of the first row that you did. Chain 1. Turn the whole thing over to the right side. Pull the pink petals slightly forward and and work (sc, chain 1, 3 dc, chain 1, sc) over each arch. Join with a sl st into the first sc. Cast off.
Turn the flower over to the back and with the third colour (blue) make a slip knot and go under a red spoke and join with a sl st. Chain 7, then work a dc and ch 4 on each red spoke. Join to the third chain with a sl st. Chain 1. Turn the flower back to the right side.
Pull red petals forward a bit and (sc, ch 1, 4 dc, ch 1 sc) into/over each arch. Join to the first sc and cast off. Sew in all the loose ends. Hope you can follow all this. It's much easier than it sounds. Here is the finished flower.