Crochet Embroidered Jumper.

Completely personalise that boring old knitted jumper!

Posted by Erin H.


This is definitely one of my favourite projects that I've done. It looks difficult, but it really isn't! All you need to know is a few simple steps and people will have to start hiding anything knitted from you so you don't go off embroidering it all!


You Will Need (4 things)

  • Wool
  • 4 ½ mm Crochet Hook
  • 1 Knitted Jumper
  • Masking Tape

Steps (9 steps, 120 minutes)

  1. 1

    The first thing you will need to do is find an old knitted jumper. I used a black one that I had never worn. Make sure that the stitches of it aren't too tiny, but if they are you will simply need to use a smaller crochet hook!

  2. 2

    If you want to embroider a quote like I did, it might be a good idea to use some masking tape to map out straight lines. There's nothing worse than finishing your work to find that it's on an angle!

  3. 3

    Now to start embroidering. Take your crochet hook and push it from the outside of your jumper to the inside. Then wrap your wool around the hook a couple of times and pull it back through the jumper. (I wrapped the wool around more than once, because it makes it easier for it to stay on the hook as you're pulling it back through)

  4. 4

    Now the outside of your jumper should look like this, just a little loop around your hook.

    At this point if you flip your jumper back to the inside you can tie your wool together so it won't come apart.

  5. 5

    Repeat step three again a little bit further down than where you were before. When you pull the hook back to the outside of your jumper again you should have two loops on your hook.

  6. 6

    Slide the first loop you made over the top of your second loop so that it makes a chain. (As pictured)

  7. 7

    Now all you need to do is repeat this steps a few more times until it's a length that you want. The good thing about this method is that it's really easy to change direction, simply put your hook into the jumper a little to the left or right of where you just were to start turning.

  8. 8

    Now that you have the basics you can start making any shapes that you want! I went with the quote "I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night."

  9. 9

    You can also add little accents like using a different colour to go around the cuff of your sleeve.

    ....and then you're done! It's completely customisable and no two jumpers will ever be the same again! Now go and get your crochet hook into something else!