Cut Out + Keep

Crochet Cup

cute little crochet cup! • Posted by

Sorry for the phone-cam quality pics. Crochet cup made using a 4 video tutorial from youtube. It's actually RED and purple. I didn't use rice to weigh it down, because I'm not using it as a pincushion. This is my first crochet creation. :)

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 1289468241 1289864369 Medium 1289468155 1289864387


Sorry for the phone-cam quality pics. Crochet cup made using a 4 video tutorial from youtube. It's actually RED and purple. I didn't use rice to weigh it down, because I'm not using it as a pincushion. This is my first crochet creation. :)
