Cut Out + Keep

Crochet Cacti

Based on Crochet Cacti by LTBlogged • Posted by Maladignia

My mother in law gave me these small vases and I wanted to refuse them, since I only have big plants and do not like dying flowers (i.e. cut flowers). But then I thought about the colorful cotton yarn that she gave me and this crochet project here on CO&K. So, here we are. She'll get those vases back with interest! It took me quite some time to make for I did it without the instructions at hand and had to redo the non-flowered one about 4 times; I tried to make the flat cactus but ended up with this one instead.

You will need


6 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 102741 2f2014 06 21 124420 cactii from above Medium 102741 2f2014 06 21 124423 cactii Medium 102741 2f2014 06 21 124426 cactii in window


My mother in law gave me these small vases and I wanted to refuse them, since I only have big plants and do not like dying flowers (i.e. cut flowers). But then I thought about the colorful cotton yarn that she gave me and this crochet project here on CO&K. So, here we are. She'll get those vases back with interest! It took me quite some time to make for I did it without the instructions at hand and had to redo the non-flowered one about 4 times; I tried to make the flat cactus but ended up with this one instead.
