Cut Out + Keep

Cricket Turns Into A Bumblebee!

I was having trouble finding costumes that fit my dog, Cricket... my solution? Make my own! • Posted by Lora P.

I found this pattern free on a yarn website. Cricket is an unsually shaped dog; she is the length of a small dog, but the width of a small-medium, so many store bought costumes don't fit her (or they fit her awkwardly). I adapted the pattern to make it fit, using straps across the chest and belly instead of stitching it together. As well, I added a stinger... because what's a bee without a stinger?? She looks unimpressed here, her first time trying it on, but by the time I took her to see the students in my class her ears were up and her tail was wagging!

You will need

Project Budget


4 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium oct 31 011 1320187224 Medium oct 31 013 1320187396


I found this pattern free on a yarn website. Cricket is an unsually shaped dog; she is the length of a small dog, but the width of a small-medium, so many store bought costumes don't fit her (or they fit her awkwardly). I adapted the pattern to make it fit, using straps across the chest and belly instead of stitching it together. As well, I added a stinger... because what's a bee without a stinger?? She looks unimpressed here, her first time trying it on, but by the time I took her to see the students in my class her ears were up and her tail was wagging!
