• Posted by g.nee
This is a very quick easy appetizer or snack to fix for a small group of friends, or a party, or just yourself when you want something nice to munch on.
This is a very quick easy appetizer or snack to fix for a small group of friends, or a party, or just yourself when you want something nice to munch on.
Okay, so get all your ingredients together. Just so you aren't running around for them later. And preheat the oven to whatever your rolls need. the Pilsbury brand requires 375 degrees.
While the oven is heating up, mix together your herbs and seasonings [i like to use chives and basil, sometimes a little cayenne to give it a zing, and of course, salt and pepper] and cream cheese [please use the full fat type, I used the 1/3 fat kind for this batch, and as you can tell it looked a little curdled. the full fat leaves it creamier]. You can also use the cream cheese that comes in the tubs that already has the herbs and stuff added.
After you have that all mixed up, pop open your crescent rolls and separate them. Place a little blob in the middle on the wide section, and roll them up as you would a crescent roll
Pop them in the oven [because by then the oven should be ready] for about 11-13 minutes. and while those are baking, CLEAN. It is the best time to do so, so that way you can just sit and enjoy the food =]
When they are finished put them on a cooling rack to cool until just warm to the touch, the cream cheese will scald you if you are impatient. Trust me, I know.
Once cooled, all that is left to do is ENJOY! or if you want to use them at a later time put them in a baggy and into the fridge, and heat them up in the oven at a later time.