Cut Out + Keep

"Crayon" Dunlop Volleys

Based on "Crayon" Dunlop Volleys by tama_sempai • Posted by JimmyJamma

On these I just used some super cheap fabric markers and a chisle sharpie for the side panel. Mine are just some Keds I found at a yard sale. The added color of the shoelaces finished it perfectly, in my opinion, the white looked too... shall we say, Grannyish? The hardest part was finshing them, they're a lil' time consuming.

You will need


2 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium dscf1421 Medium dscf1422


On these I just used some super cheap fabric markers and a chisle sharpie for the side panel. Mine are just some Keds I found at a yard sale. The added color of the shoelaces finished it perfectly, in my opinion, the white looked too... shall we say, Grannyish? The hardest part was finshing them, they're a lil' time consuming.
