Cut Out + Keep

Crackle Finish Vented Door

Elmers glue + paint + stockings + pic frames = Crackle finish vented door • Posted by Recycled Miracles

We decided to make a little closet we had into a built in entertainment cabinet. It holds our surround sound, electronic equipment etc. I was afraid that there was not enough air flow in the closet for the equipment, but I wanted to keep it hidden. So I crackle finished the door with Elmer's glue and 2 different colors of paint that were left over from other projects . Then I cut squares in the door the same size as the picture frames I picked up at a garage sale for free. The frames were painted as gloss black as well as the door frame. I hot glued the cut up stocking to the door, then screwed the frames over the stocking. I get to keep the door, there is not adequate venting in the door and no one knows those use to be my hose :-)

You will need

Project Budget


4 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium dsc07751 Medium dsc07850 Medium dsc07749


We decided to make a little closet we had into a built in entertainment cabinet. It holds our surround sound, electronic equipment etc. I was afraid that there was not enough air flow in the closet for the equipment, but I wanted to keep it hidden. So I crackle finished the door with Elmer's glue and 2 different colors of paint that were left over from other projects . Then I cut squares in the door the same size as the picture frames I picked up at a garage sale for free. The frames were painted as gloss black as well as the door frame. I hot glued the cut up stocking to the door, then screwed the frames over the stocking. I get to keep the door, there is not adequate venting in the door and no one knows those use to be my hose :-)
