Cozy Corner With Trees In It.

friendly corner with feeling of beeing in a forrest

Posted by Elisabeth L.


This is my cozy corner where I sit to have a nice time with my friends and watch Pokémon etc.

I made huge pillows out of old pillows, old quilts and plankets. The fabric I used cost $1 across the street so it did´nt cost a fortune.
Under the pillows there is an old madrass that I covered with fabric.

In the corners I nailed up brushwood that I found beside timbre. I let it dry first by standing it in the corner.

Very simple but striking. I put up a bright loop with flowers as the icing on the cake.

(The poor roe deer have been dead for over 50 years and I did´nt want him to be thrown away so he got my best place in the appartment.)

(I blame google translate for wrong choice of words)


You Will Need (7 things)

  • Pretty Pictures
  • Old Pillow s, Quilts And Blankets
  • 10 m Tons Of Fabric
  • A Dead Roe Deer Ornament
  • Brushwood
  • Bright Loop
  • Sewing Machine