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Cowboys Vs Indians Vs Candy

cowboys vs indians vs candy! • Posted by Lea E.

dollar store crafting :) with my heat gun i melted the cowboys and indians together using a metal bowl as a mold. stole the idea from one of the bagillion craft books at the local bookstore... you can switch it up a bit, use plastic dinosaurs or lil green army men! the possibilities are endless!

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Project Budget


0 h 30


Nice & Simple
Medium 16934 512383335428 289700053 479473 3133238 n 1306194777


dollar store crafting :) with my heat gun i melted the cowboys and indians together using a metal bowl as a mold. stole the idea from one of the bagillion craft books at the local bookstore... you can switch it up a bit, use plastic dinosaurs or lil green army men! the possibilities are endless!
