• Posted by Quadrille
Forget Jerseys and Guernseys, the knitwear to be wearing at the moment is Freisian. This sweater coat with its black and white markings will not necessarily make your dog stand out from the crowd, but rather appear part of the herd. SIZES Two sizes small/medium (medium/large) Measurements of knitted coat Length measured along back 42(50)cm/16 1/2(19 1/2)in Width measured around chest 54(63)cm/21 ¼ (24 ¾ )in MATERIALS 3(4) x 50g (13/4oz) balls of Debbie Bliss Blue Faced Leicester Aran in ecru (A) and one 50g (13/4oz) ball in black (B) Pair each of 4.50mm (US 7) and 5mm (US 8) knitting needles Set of four 4.50mm (US 7) double-pointed needles TENSION 18 sts and 24 rows to 10cm/4in over st st using 5mm (US 8) needles. NOTE This coat is worked from the neck down.
Forget Jerseys and Guernseys, the knitwear to be wearing at the moment is Freisian. This sweater coat with its black and white markings will not necessarily make your dog stand out from the crowd, but rather appear part of the herd. SIZES Two sizes small/medium (medium/large) Measurements of knitted coat Length measured along back 42(50)cm/16 1/2(19 1/2)in Width measured around chest 54(63)cm/21 ¼ (24 ¾ )in MATERIALS 3(4) x 50g (13/4oz) balls of Debbie Bliss Blue Faced Leicester Aran in ecru (A) and one 50g (13/4oz) ball in black (B) Pair each of 4.50mm (US 7) and 5mm (US 8) knitting needles Set of four 4.50mm (US 7) double-pointed needles TENSION 18 sts and 24 rows to 10cm/4in over st st using 5mm (US 8) needles. NOTE This coat is worked from the neck down.
BACK With 4.50mm (US 7) needles and A, cast on 46(54) sts. 1st rib row K2, [p2, k2] to end. 2nd rib row P2, [k2, p2] to end. Rep these 2 rows 4 times more and inc 4 sts evenly across last row. 50(58) sts. Change to 5mm (US 8) needles and beg with a k row, work 2(16) rows in st st. Next row (right side) K3(7)A, k across 44 sts of 1st row of chart, k3(7)A. Next row P3(7)A, p across 44 sts of 2nd row of chart, p3(7)A. The last 2 rows set the position of the chart. Working correct chart rows, cont until all 76 chart rows have been worked. Beg with a k row, cont in st st in A only until Back measures 38(46)cm/15(18)in from cast-on edge, ending with a p row.
Shape lower back Next row K2, skpo, k to last 4 sts, k2tog, k2. Next row P to end. Rep the last 2 rows once more. 46(54) sts. Leave these sts on a holder. FRONT Omitting the chart, work as given for Back until Front measures 15(17)cm/6(61/2)in from cast-on edge, ending with a p row. Shape for legholes Cast off 8(10) sts at beg of next 2 rows. 34(38) sts. Work a further 14(16) rows. Cast on 8(10) sts at beg of next 2 rows. 50(58) sts. Work straight until 12 rows fewer have been worked than on Back to lower back shaping.
CHART NOTES When working from this chart, work all odd-numbered right side rows from right to left in knit stitch and work all even-numbered wrong side rows from left to right in purl stitch; when knitting from this chart, work the stitches in either yarn A or yarn B as appropriate. This colour motif is worked using the intarsia method. Use separate strands or small balls of yarn for each colour area and then twist them together where they meet to prevent a gap forming.
Shape lower edge Next row (right side) K14, turn and work on these sts only for first side of shaping, leave rem sts on a spare needle. Dec one st at inside edge on next 11 rows. 3 sts. Next row K3tog and fasten off. With right side facing, slip centre 22(30) sts onto a holder, rejoin yarn, k to end. Dec one st at inside edge on next 11 rows. 3 sts. Next row K3tog and fasten off.
Lower edging Join right side seam (from cast-on edges to beginning of lower back shaping), leaving leghole edge open. With right side facing, 4.50mm (US 7) needles and A, pick up and k11 sts down left front shaping, k across 22(30) sts at centre front, pick up and k11 sts up right front shaping, 4 sts up right back shaping, k across 46(54) sts at lower back, then pick up and k4 sts down left back shaping. 98(114) sts. 1st rib row P2, [k2, p2] to end. 2nd rib row K2, [p2, k2] to end. Rep the last 2 rows twice more. Cast off in rib.
Leghole edgings Join left side seam, leaving leghole edge open. With right side facing, 4.50mm (US 7) doublepointed needles and A, pick up and k38(44) sts around leg opening. Arrange sts over 3 of the needles. Rib round [K1, p1] to end. Rib a further 3 rounds. Cast off in rib.