Cut Out + Keep

Costum Toms Shoes!

They don't just help people around the world they are CUTE! • Posted by katjaccuzi

One day I was looking at my ripped up TOMS and thought, "Hey! I CAN FIX THIS!" So I did. If you don't have TOMS use any other shoes that are fabric like. (they work the best) It is really simple and fun to do all you need is fabric glue and pretty fabric! I had a lot of fun makin' these! I hope you will too!!! YAY! KATJACCUZI

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 10


Pretty Easy
Medium imgp3641 1311048959 Medium imgp3640 1311048982


One day I was looking at my ripped up TOMS and thought, "Hey! I CAN FIX THIS!" So I did. If you don't have TOMS use any other shoes that are fabric like. (they work the best) It is really simple and fun to do all you need is fabric glue and pretty fabric! I had a lot of fun makin' these! I hope you will too!!! YAY! KATJACCUZI


  1. Watch to find out how! This is so simple! :D Sorry for the bad quality! It will be much better next time!