Cut Out + Keep

Cosmopolitan Softie

How to crochet a Cosmopolitan softie. • Posted by lentsu

Cute drink for single and gorgeous balljointed dolls or ever married ones :P

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 50


Pretty Easy
Medium pict0120 1214409468 Medium pict0106 1214410295


Cute drink for single and gorgeous balljointed dolls or ever married ones :P


  1. Small 10092

    crochet 3 "normal" loops and attact them together and start hooking for 7 layers and while adding more loops so it will stay round

  2. Small 10094

    then start hooking "pipe" int he middle of the round piece for 21 layers

  3. Small 10095

    change the color to pink and start adding more and more loop for the glass part do this for 7 layers and then change to white again. for about 4 layers.

  4. Small 10096

    then its time for the lemon slice do as same like in no 1 but dont hook it fully round, hook back and forth for 5 rounds and there u have it.