• Posted by Sandra M.
this is my fist how to so wish me luck the one im working on in the how to is a 'work in progress' ill add pictures later :)
this is my fist how to so wish me luck the one im working on in the how to is a 'work in progress' ill add pictures later :)
fist get your colors you want and wrap them around you hand so that you have little piles like so in the picture (easier to work with)because the strings will be really long like i think over twice the amount of wire
you might want to turn on the radio or some music because it takes a long time to do and have it
pick the colors you want and then tie the strings on or tape them on the wire you choose i piked my cell phone wire for this one and for the blue one i picked my ipod wire i taped the blue, white, and black one and put that on a clip bored or how ever you need to keep it still
now the picture hard to tell but you wrap the string around all the other stuff
(if you can do a forward knot then you can do this or Chinese staircase pick the color you wish to use make a 4 with the string with the string your using on top like in the picture
now put the string through and pull and put the pile of string though
push the sting up to the top
then keep on repeating until you are done with that color then you can just grab that color then tie the knot i would keep the amount of knots about the same that one is 30 knots the blue one is 20 knots only because its a lot longer any questions please ask :)