Cut Out + Keep

Contest Entry Makeup Part

eyeshadow has all sorts of different uses! lol! • Posted by CiiMoore

This was something I did for my contest entry for Halloween on Deviantart. This is the makeup part. :3 I used mostly eyeshadow, and just a little bit of Kryolan face paint. Mostly on my forehead and eyelids so I could have a better base for white and purple colors.

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Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


1 h 00


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Medium 100 4474


This was something I did for my contest entry for Halloween on Deviantart. This is the makeup part. :3 I used mostly eyeshadow, and just a little bit of Kryolan face paint. Mostly on my forehead and eyelids so I could have a better base for white and purple colors.
