• Posted by Sannu Vaarala
Simple square shaped mirrors can be found from the attic or thrift store. Instead of installing the mirrors the ordinary way make the mirrors look modern in harlequin formation. This step by step tutorial will tell you the technique so it will be easy peasy to get stunning and finished look.
Simple square shaped mirrors can be found from the attic or thrift store. Instead of installing the mirrors the ordinary way make the mirrors look modern in harlequin formation. This step by step tutorial will tell you the technique so it will be easy peasy to get stunning and finished look.
Measure the mirrors you are using so that you know how big space you need to arrange on your wall. Clean the wall and the mirrors. Take a piece of yarn that is well over the height of the three mirrors going on row. Attach the weight to the end of the yarn and use masking tape to hang the yarn to the wall as seen in the picture. This yarn will show you the middle row of mirrors and you have to attach the mirrors so that the two corners go to the line (=you get the mirrors straight).
Take the first mirror and put mounting tape to four sides like in the picture. (White marks are from the old tape, ignore those)
Attach the mirror according to the yarn line seeing that the two corners go to the line. Also remember to consider the height so that there is space from the ceiling plus other two mirrors have space under the first one.
Attach the rest of the mirrors of the row. Pull off the yarn from under the mirrors.
Use one mirror as a measure to get the place for the next row. Put it to the space that is going to be a gap and make a mark to the outer corner. Do the same to other gap. Now you have two marks and you use these marks to set the line with the yarn. Hang it again so that it goes through the marks. Attach the first mirror of the second row so that two of the corners go to the yarn line and third one to the corner of the middle row's first mirror. Attach the rest of the mirrors similar way. Repeat to the other side.
Polish the mirrors and you are ready.