Cut Out + Keep

Confetti Bunny Ear Beanie

Make this bunny ear beanie for the perfect headwear! • Posted by Juni A.

Bunny ears + confetti = the perfect beanie

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1 h 00


Medium 2014 02 27 143538 confetti bunny beanie 12


Bunny ears + confetti = the perfect beanie


  1. Small 2014 02 27 144000 confetti bunny beanie step 2

    Place one piece of fabric over the other, flip side up. Pin in place.

  2. Small 2014 02 27 144022 confetti bunny beanie step 3

    Draw bunny ears onto one side.

  3. Small 2014 02 27 144112 confetti bunny beanie step 5

    Following the template you’ve drawn, do a whip stitch through both pieces of fabric. Leave a gap at the bottom and cut around the bunny ears, OUTSIDE of your stitches.

  4. Small 2014 02 27 144828 confetti bunny beanie step 7

    Pull bunny ears right side out through the gap. Paint the front of the bunny ears with a layer of mod podge.

  5. Small 2014 02 27 144834 confetti bunny beanie step 8

    Sprinkle with confetti. Shake gently to remove any excess and let dry. Apply another layer of mod podge generously. It’s best to dab on this layer in blobs. Let dry.

  6. Small 2014 02 27 144846 confetti bunny beanie step 10

    While waiting for the mod podge to dry, bend a piece of wire into bunny ears. Insert wire into ears through the gap.

  7. Small 2014 02 27 144905 confetti bunny beanie step 12

    Sew bunny ears onto the top of your beanie.

  8. Small 2014 02 27 144921 confetti bunny beanie 1

    Hop about in your new hat.