• Posted by Anaaa
I learnt how to do this technique a couple years ago when doing an art project about Julien Opie and I decieded to do it by computer. The programme I used is a free one: If the pictures are printed onto photo paper they can make great presents such as the picture of my baby cousin. This is my first project so I hope you like it. Enjoy!
I learnt how to do this technique a couple years ago when doing an art project about Julien Opie and I decieded to do it by computer. The programme I used is a free one: If the pictures are printed onto photo paper they can make great presents such as the picture of my baby cousin. This is my first project so I hope you like it. Enjoy!
Firstly open your image and choose a bright colour for the background. Leave plenty of space around the picture, it doesn't have to be perfect :)
Then using the eyedrop tool you can select a colour, select the skin and then using the paintbrush block-colour the skin leaving out small details (in this case fingers and small gaps,all smaller details are best to do at the end.) Make sure you leave the eyes and mouth uncovered so that they are still visible.
Next I always do the objects, in this case I block coloured the guns and her clothing using the eye-drop tool and then the paintbrush.
Then start adding more detail by finishing the background block colour and adding the hair. Using two different tones of the same colour is always more effective for the hair.
Finally I coloured over the eyes and mouth and drew them in an opie-style. Dots for eyes, line for mouth and a simple nose. To then make it stand out further I outlined the whole picture in black. I hope you enjoyed it :)